Sunday, August 14, 2011

CEASAR IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its been a while, I never went for movies, and the last movie before Rise of Planet Of the Apes was the " TRANSFORMERS" the new one, but to be honest that was a paid sleep, the bullet shot and the noise literally made me to sleep in the theatre.................... After that, it was a very silent saturday, went to BED along with my friend, and we deciced that on next day- Sunday- 14th Aug 2011 we shall be going to a movie........ My UVA jus started its pistons to push hard and we reached the Theatre by 9.05, while the movie started 9.00 AM, Okey we got two tickets, and made ourself comfortable.

Its a movie about Emotions, its about a true hearts thinking, when its started I was thinking that way, for sure yes, but really the movie conveyed a lot, I was not at all enjoying the movie, because, some how my mentality and the Movie was finding a tangent point....!!!!!! Life is full of fear in the movie, the Ceasar was an excellent character, who is ready to reach his heights and live his life, but the only issue was with the Human kind that would not mingle with the Apes community.............

If you love some one and If you want to be yourself, the only emotion that anyone could have including Apes is Anger!!!!!!!!! At the same time if you are disappointed, then for sure again anger is the expression............ If you keep anger how big as the universe its is , for sure anyone should know its only anger!!!!! jus anger and it does not have a value for proving yourself.........It would only make you to feel relaxed for time, but internally that would stimulate your aloneness.......stupidity, your dumbness............. So jus turn your anger to action !!!!!!.......... Ceasar is all about that!!!!!.............. Anytime Ceasar wants to go home, but the situation never allowed to do so.......... The moment Anger turned action, its not only Ceasar who went home, its the Whole Community that went home,,,,, and were Just Apes!!! again were jus apes... not a experimental or Zooy Animal!!!!!!!!

The character, was well defined with in the prescribed way, no horror, no tension, full of story.......... you would tend to see the movie............ For sure Ceasar is Home!!!!!!! and me too started home......... wazzup movie finished buddies!!!!!!

On the parking lot there was a surprise, wats that, Sir " Today till 11.30 we dont charge for the parking" wow superb.....again the pistons pushed and PP is Home now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cya soon